2 Reasons to Start Using a Navigation App for Commercial Drivers in CA

by | Sep 18, 2020 | Software

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Do you own and operate a trucking business? Do you find it routinely difficult in finding gate entrances, causing you to lose time and money? If you answered yes, then here are 2 reasons why you should start using a navigation app that was designed specifically for professional commercial drivers like yourself.

Greater Specificity

As you are aware, standard navigation apps are primarily used to navigate non-commercial drivers to points of interests. This means that when you use a standard app for navigation it will only give you directions to landmarks nearby and not the gate entrance you are looking for to deliver your time-sensitive cargo. Using an app that is specifically designed for professional commercial drivers will provide you greater specificity, allowing the app to precisely navigate you to a gate entrance, saving you time and money.

Attract New Clients by Staying Competitive

Another reason why you should start using a navigation app that caters to expert and seasoned truck drivers like yourself is to help you attract new clients by staying competitive. Using this particular type of app will give you access to a database that was created by a community of other professional commercial drivers, allowing you to offer exceptional services to clients.

The Best Navigation App for Professional Drivers

Perhaps you are convinced and are now wondering about the specific app that caters to professional commercial drivers. Use the trucker path app developed by Truck Me Inc, Inc. This app offers the greatest specificity when it comes to their vast database of gate entrances. So, when searching for the best navigation trucker path app for professional drivers, their app is the only app you should use.