NOS is used to oxidize the guanidine nitrogen of arginine, which releases nitric oxide in the form of free citrulline and radicals. The nitric oxide that’s generated then acts as a messenger for diversified functions, including anti-tumor, anti-pathogenic, and vasodilation neurotransmission activities. Inducible NOS (iNOS) is calcium/calmodulin independent and can be expressed in the activated stimulated glial cells and macrophages.
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The iNOS antibody is designed for research online and shouldn’t be used to diagnose disease and illness. It has a clone called SP126 and is a synthetic peptide near the C-terminus of the mouse iNOS protein. The isotype is the Rabbit IgG, and it has no determined epitope. The molecular weight is 130 kDa, and it has been tested in humans.
The iNOS antibody is designed to be used in Immunohistochemistry applications. It uses the lung as a positive control with cellular localization in the cytoplasm. The procedure requires that you prepare the specimen using Formalin-fixed or paraffin-embedded tissues.
Slides must be deparaffinized using xylene, xylene alternatives, or graded alcohols. You may find a pre-diluted version of the antibody, which will work for almost any IHC application. However, you can also buy concentrated versions and will need to dilute them yourself using a ratio of 1:100, in most cases.
To retrieve the antigen, you should boil the section of tissue using a 10mM citrate buffer with a pH of 6.0 for at least 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for 20 minutes. Once it has cooled for the appropriate time, you should incubate for 10 minutes while still at room temperature. You should wash and rinse all slides before each step is done.
The iNOS antibody can be found at Spring Bioscience. Visit them now to learn more and find out about purchase options.